INNOVIMENTOR (Balkan-Mediterranean)

Vlahi village: Resilient Legacy of Karakachani people blank 0 5 0 0

Vlahi village: Resilient Legacy of Karakachani people


The BBPS SEMPERVIVA is a Bulgarian Biodiversity Presentation Society is a non-governmental NGO, established in the village of Vlahi,  with a priority of work on studying and saving of rarebiodiversity conservation NGO, with a priority of work on studying and saving of rare autochthonic breeds of domestic animals in Bulgaria and also on the Balkan region. The main goal of Semperviva is the conservation and restoration of the local, ancient breeds of Karakachan sheep, Karakachan horse and Karakachan dog, as one of the most primitive breeds in Europe and as a part of the natural, cultural and historical heritage of  Bulgaria. Saving the traditional way of their breeding as a symbiosis among them and their living environment.

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